ObesityChat comes to an end.

Dear ObesityChat users and radio listeners: Today I decided to cancel the radio talk show "Obesity Chat". As you many know we did the live radio show every Monday at 8:00 PM CT then uploaded the podcast to www.obesitychat.com. We have done over a year and a half of episodes and we helped many many ...
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Why is the cost so much lower in Mexico than the US?

Regarding a question on my obesitychat show. There are a lot of people in the US that have a skewed view of having surgery in Mexico. They think it is dangerous or less sanitary for some reason. Can you discuss the standards of care and regulations in Mexico as compared to the states. Why is ...
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August 18, 2014 Obesity Chat Podcast

Dr. Alvarez goes live answering questions about weight loss, surgery and other alternatives to resolve obesity. www.endobariatric.com On this episode Dr. Alvarez answers the following questions: I have a Lapband and have developed gastroparesis. Am I a candidate for gastric sleeve with you? Once you've reached your goal in the first year, to maintain, how ...
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August 11, 2014 Obesity Chat Podcast

Dr. Alvarez goes live answering questions about weight loss, surgery and other alternatives to resolve obesity. www.endobariatric.com On this episode Dr. Alvarez answers the following questions: Why is the cost so much lower in Mexico than the US? There is concern of relationship issues after WLS. Is there a higher rate of divorce or separation ...
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August 4, 2014 Obesity Chat Podcast

Dr. Alvarez goes live answering questions about weight loss, surgery and other alternatives to resolve obesity. www.endobariatric.com On this episode Dr. Alvarez answers the following questions: Can you talk about drinking alcohol and carbonated drinks regarding the sleeve? Can you really stretch your sleeve? How long does it take for your skin to bounce back ...
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July 28, 2014 Obesity Chat Podcast

Dr. Alvarez goes live answering questions about weight loss, surgery and other alternatives to resolve obesity. www.endobariatric.com On this episode Dr. Alvarez answers the following questions: What is up with the runny nose so often? Is there a correlation with surgery or just some strange coincidence? How soon is to soon to start with reconstructive ...
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July 14, 2014 ObesityChat Podcast

Dr. Alvarez goes live answering questions about weight loss, surgery and other alternatives to resolve obesity. www.endobariatric.com On this episode Dr. Alvarez answers the following questions: What type of cardio work out do you recommend, for how long, and how often do you recommend? Is there anything you can do to help firm excess skin? ...
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July 7, 2014 ObesityChat Podcast

Dr. Alvarez goes live answering questions about weight loss, surgery and other alternatives to resolve obesity including the gastric sleeve. www.endobariatric.com On this episode Dr. Alvarez answers the following questions: Do you eventually lose the acid reflux? Does it go away long term with gastric sleeve patients? Does the 5 day pouch test does it ...
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New Episode of @ObesityChat with Dr. Alvarez!

Dr. Alvarez goes live answering questions about weight loss, surgery and other alternatives to resolve obesity. On this episode Dr. Alvarez answers the following questions: Why do I get so sleepy after each meal? What if there is a hernia found after WLS? How will the sleeve affect us as we reach our 70's when ...
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