Key Benefits of a Gastric Sleeve

Most bariatric doctors perform more than one kind of surgery, but gastric sleeve is the only solution we provide at Endobariatric. Why do I only perform gastric sleeve? Because it’s the safest, most effective bariatric choice for permanent weight loss, and my patients deserve nothing less than the best. Here are just a few of the reasons I love gastric sleeve.

Key Benefit #1: The intestines are NOT rerouted. Among the top perks, in my opinion, is that gastric sleeve only alters the size of the stomach. Other bariatric surgeries reroute the intestines, which can lead to all kinds of complications and side effects. But gastric sleeve allows the smaller stomach to function normally. That means almost no food is off limits, though what you put into your body affects your weight loss, of course. But having the freedom to eat a slice of cake on your birthday, for example, helps eliminates all the “can’t” that can make bariatric patients feel different than everybody else.

In addition, gastric sleeve patients typically don’t experience dumping syndrome. “Dumping” is a combination of symptoms such as fast heartbeat, sweating, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting that can occur when bariatric patients eat sugary, fatty food. It’s very rare with sleeve patients because their intact intestines help slow the entry of offending food to the stomach (ie: food isn’t “dumped” into the stomach).

Key Benefit #2: Better health. Sure, you’re going to look great after gastric sleeve. But more importantly, your entire body is going to be better. Though obesity usually comes with a host of medical problems, gastric sleeve can help resolve them. Most patients with Type 2 diabetes see improvement or full resolution within a year of the procedure. It’s the same for people with hypertension (high blood pressure), cholesterol problems, asthma, migraines, metabolic syndrome, and many other illnesses. Even things like depression and infertility can be vastly improved.

Key Benefit #3: Shorter surgery and recovery time. Why does a shorter surgery time matter? Well, the more anesthesia you have, the more that can go wrong. My gastric sleeve procedures typically last around 30 minutes, which means minimal exposure to anesthesia and its potential side effects. Plus, our surgeries are less-invasive laparoscopy, so you’ll be able to resume your regular activity once you get home. You can drive in three to four days and return to work immediately (with a desk job) or in five to seven days (for a more vigorous job).

Key Benefit #4: It reduces the hunger hormone. While gastric sleeve reduces the size of the stomach significantly, it also works to decrease patients’ appetites by slashing a hormone called ghrelin. The less ghrelin you have, the less hungry you’ll be. This hormone, which stimulates your hunger, is mostly made in the part of the stomach that we take out. That makes weight loss easier and more comfortable. Your stomach will only be able to hold three to four ounces at a time, and thanks to a lot less ghrelin, you’ll actually feel satisfied with that amount.

All of this adds up to one of the most delightful benefits: gastric sleeve works. Many patients lose up to 70 percent of their excess weight in the first year, with more weight loss expected in the ensuing months and years (assuming you follow our diet and exercise guidelines). Gastric sleeve enables your body to shed extra pounds by working on both physical and hormonal factors. And with ongoing support from your Endobariatric family, you have the ideal formula for a new, healthier you.

If you would like to learn more about the gastric sleeve surgery and how it can benefit your health, I would encourage you to watch all the episodes of The #AskDrA Show on Youtube. The show answers hundreds of patient submitted questions that cover a wide range of topics.

I would also suggest visiting and discovering what others are saying about us, viewing the hundreds of before and after pictures and reading why Endobariatric is the best option.
If you want a more personalized experience and you have Instagram and Tik Tok, follow me (Dr. Alvarez) to see my day both in my daily routine and in the operating room, add me! We will have a great time! My username in both is: gmoalvarez.

“Changing lives, one sleeve at a time”.