Category: Gastric sleeve

How It All Began!

I'm very humbled by the love and support I receive everyday from my over 9000 patients and from those who, haven't received surgery from me but, benefit from my videos, blogs, books and social media postings. Here's just few of the latest testimonials we receive daily... "You are amazing Dr. Alvarez and I have purchased and read ...
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Treating You Like Family

I saw the video and my heart sank. All I could think about is why people would opt for cheap services if it almost kills them. The video I was watching was a news story about a gastric sleeve doctor in Tijuana who, in my opinion, was advertising prices so low it wasn't even covering ...
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The Four Walls To Healthier Eating Choices

"The food you eat either makes you healthy or less healthy. Those are your options!" A few weeks ago I was in Atlanta giving a talk at the VSG Conference. The conference focuses on helping those who not only have experienced the sleeve surgery, it also helps those in the industry share new ideas and ...
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The Tuxedo: A Weight Loss Fashion Fairytale Come True

Recently I was invited to give a talk at the VSG Conference in Atlanta Georgia. This conference focuses on helping those who not only have experienced the sleeve surgery it also helps those in the industry discover new techniques and practices. The day before my speech, a client of mine (we'll call him Mike, because...well, ...
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Making It Easy For You To Decide

Contemplating weight loss surgery is an emotional struggle for many of my patients. Trying to find the right information is frustrating and sometimes downright exhausting. What advice do you follow? Who can you trust to give you the best information? What do others have to say? My goal has always been to educate first, regardless ...
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You Get What You Pay For

Time and time again I hear stories of people who opted for discount surgery only to spend ten times the amount or more having the cheap surgery corrected. Some even elected not to use our service because they deemed us too expensive. Yes, it breaks my heart. I understand the desire to save money is ...
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How weight loss surgery could save patients money

Due for a joint replacement soon? Weight loss surgery first could save you money and improve the results of your joint replacement. Two new studies found that weight loss surgery before joint replacement may be a cost-effective option that could help hip or knee surgery results. Before these two studies, the effects of weight loss ...
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6 Life-enhancing benefits of weight-loss surgery.

Obesity is a problem in the United States, and it's only getting worse. The CDC reports that more than 36 percent of American adults are obese, as are 12.5 million children and adolescents. Michelle Obama has made childhood obesity a primary focus as First Lady. For individuals who have already found themselves several pounds overweight ...
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Q&A’s: Sleeve Blush

Sleeve blush Hello everyone and welcome to our frequently asked questions, I'm Doctor Alvarez and on this episode I'd like to address something that is very common the first 24-48 hours after surgery and that is something I call the sleeve blush. Some patients, not everyone, will develop a red face, red neck and even ...
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