Can Gastric Sleeve Surgery Heal the Diseases that Are Killing You?

We spend a lot of time thinking and talking about the aesthetic changes that happen as a result of vertical sleeve gastrectomy. Feeling confident on the beach, wearing smaller clothing sizes—they’re all good things, and I certainly understand wanting to look fantastic. But what can get lost in appearance-related discussions is the more important truth: VSG will likely help you live a lot longer, with fewer medical interventions.

Case Study: Type II Diabetes
The long-term complications of type II diabetes are frightening, to say the least. Eye problems, kidney disease, nerve damage, and plaque build-up in blood vessels leading to stroke and/or heart attack are just a few potential outcomes. And a significant portion of my pre-op patients either have diabetes or are on the road to it. The weight they lose after gastric sleeve in Mexico substantially improves—or even cures—many cases. Here’s what my patients have to say:

  • “My diabetic journey began with my first pregnancy and progressed over the next 25 years,” says Kim, who had lost 47 pounds a year after gastric sleeve surgery. “MOST importantly I have gone from five-plus oral medications for diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, and skin ailments to one! My diabetes is now in remission!”
  • “Two months post-op, 30 pounds down, and 14.25 inches gone. Off of all diabetes medicines and feeling great.”—DeeDee
  • “I’m no longer taking insulin and the four oral diabetic medications (which saves me about $300 per month).”—Julie
  • “Thanks to Dr Guillermo Alvarez I am no longer a prisoner to needle sticks and two different types of insulin three times a day!”—Dee
  • “The most awesome reward that I have taken from this is to be off all diabetes medication and feel alive again.”—Tammy

Case Study: High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
High blood pressure (HBP), also known as hypertension, and high cholesterol are all too common. Many of their eventual complications are similar to type II diabetes, such as heart attack and stroke. HBP can also lead to kidney issues, vision problems, aneurysms, dementia, and metabolic syndrome. Between better food choices, weight loss, and the ability to exercise more, VSG patients typically see transformative results with both issues. After an 85-pound loss in just one year, Dottie is off blood pressure medication and her sleep apnea machine, while Kristi has normal blood pressure readings without the medication she’d been on for 26 years. Other examples:

  • “At the MD for my yearly check-up, I was down 100 pounds! He also took me off more medication, leaving me with one (instead of five) blood pressure medication.”—Kathy
  • “Because of this surgery I’m no longer taking diabetes medication, high blood pressure medication, or cholesterol medication.”—Rocio
  • “I’m officially off my high blood pressure medicine three months after surgery! Also…my cholesterol is almost perfect now.”—Alejandra

Case Study: Sleep Disorders
Sleep apnea is more than just getting a bad night’s sleep. Medical problems, including diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure, can result from apnea. Even poor sleep that doesn’t rise to the level of sleep apnea can affect your body, resulting in daytime drowsiness that can impact your life and work, a decreased ability to lose weight, and depression. Sleep is another area that can be vastly improved with vertical sleeve gastrectomy.

  • “I’m so thankful for my renewed health and energy! No back or joint pain, no IBS symptoms, and NO SLEEP APNEA AT ALL!”—Kelly
  • “I was actually off my CPAP after about 30 pounds.”—Kip
  • “After my 109-pound loss, I don’t use my CPAP anymore and fall asleep so much easier.”—Bethany
  • “I had insomnia so bad! Now when I wake up, I can’t believe it’s morning!”—Crystal
  • ‘“I haven’t slept this good in years.”—Dalene

And that’s just a small sampling of the medical issues that tend to benefit from gastric sleeve surgery. Depression, a common ailment in obese individuals for myriad reasons, often lifts. Fertility skyrockets in many female patients, some of whom turn to gastric sleeve surgery at the suggestion of their reproductive specialists. Joint pain, gallbladder disease, metabolic syndrome…the list goes on and on. If you’re ready to discover all the ways VSG can improve your health from the inside out, talk to Endobariatric today!

I invite you to follow us on all our social networks, we are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest, we also have our YouTube channel where I’m the host of the #AskDrA Show, where I (Dr. Alvarez) answer frequently asked questions that are sent to me with the Hashtag #AskDrA, subscribe to it! we talk about very interesting subjects.

If you want a more personalized experience and you have Instagram, follow me (Dr. Alvarez) to see my day both in my daily routine and in the operating room, add me! We will have a great time! My username is: gmoalvarez.

“Changing lives…one sleeve at a time”.