Q&A’s: Sleeve Blush

Sleeve blush Hello everyone and welcome to our frequently asked questions, I’m Doctor Alvarez and on this episode I’d like to address something that is very common the first 24-48 hours after surgery and that is something I call the sleeve blush. Some patients, not everyone, will develop a red face, red neck and even some redness on the upper part of their arms. Some people are more prone to develop this blush and it is mainly on very white-skin people. The blush may develop in different intensities from light red cheeks to a very warm face sensation. Please do not think you are running a fever or have a reaction to a medication. This is expected and normal. Remember that this is ONLY temporary and will go away. This has a direct relationship with the inflammation of your stomach. Once the stomach’s swollen tissue starts to come down the blush will start to disappear. I hope this makes sense and you find this useful. If you have any questions you can always contact me on my social media accounts. Don’t forget to subscribe for future videos, I’m Doctor Alvarez with Endobariatric.com where we are changing lives… one sleeve at time. I’ll see you online!